Plus, It's a lot less expensive!Ģ = Minecraft 1.7.10: This version is where I use mods to enhance my game play experience. Which Allowed to play to play locally with friends! The reason it's not any higher is because there are 2 more versions that I find more interesting and bug fixes! I find 1.3.1 better than Minecraft 1.4.2 is because I find trading with Villagers more interesting than the Wither. Even the Command Block were added! it's not any higher, because I really never played Minecraft 1.4.2, but I did see the trailer and read about it and I was like, "This Would Be A Great Version To Add On This List!"ģ = Minecraft 1.3.1: The update that put Villagers into business! This Minecraft version, added desert & jungle temples, Emerald Blocks, Emerald Ore, Emerald, & Villagers can now trade! This version added in the LAN server button. Food also had no dark outline in 1.4, which is pretty interesting! 1.4 gave players a new challenge and that's to defeat the Wither.

1.4 added invisibility potions effects, witches, and the 2nd main boss of the game, the Wither.

1.o had bugs fixed from the Beta & Alpha (and snapshots) Versions! I never really played it much and that's why it's not any higher, but I did see some videos about Minecraft 1.0 and it's pretty honorable version !Ĥ = Minecraft 1.4.2: Ah 1.4, the pretty scary update and here's why. Before Minecraft 1.0, we could not enchant, and even have a boss to defeat the game of Minecraft.

With this all stated out, lets do this starting with the best's side.ĥ = Minecraft 1.0: Minecraft 1.0 began the official release and was no longer in Beta! Minecraft 1.0 added in the Ender Dragon, the End dimension, Enchantments, and Hardcore Mode. It has been almost 7 years (as of ) since Minecraft was made (Alpha Stages, 2009) With Minecraft comes so many versions, and with 1.11 coming on it's way, I decided to do a "Top 5 Best & Worst Minecraft Versions" Now be aware that this won't have any future versions, inclu 1.11, & it won't have any Alpha or Beta Versions either.